第一句~第二句: 主旨句(topic sentence)
中間的幾句: 支持句(Supporting sentences)
最後一至兩句: 結語句 (Concluding sentence)
在英文中只有一個寫作方式---破題法,因此本段的重點一定要在前面一至二句的地方點出。 通常使用以下方式開頭:
1.表達立場 (同意、不同意、針對議題覺得是好的還是不好的)
e.g. Along with the development of technology, many advantages have been brought into our lives.
e.g. Nowadays, many people tend to buy life insurance; however, is it really necessary for young people?
3.評價 (通常會使用形容詞來描述某事件)
e.g. Travelling in Europe alone for a month is one of the greatest thing in the world.
B.支持句 支持句的目的是用來支持你主旨句的論點,因此要特別注意你的支持句有沒有回應到你的論點。
以上述1. 的方始寫主旨句來說,通常支持句都會是原因(為什麼同意或不同意、為什麼覺得好或不好)以及例子。
e.g. First, because of the invention of telecommunication applications, we can contact friends and family anytime without paying a penny. For example, when I was in the UK, I often called my mum when I had time and missed her.
以上述2. 的方式寫主旨句來說,通常會以回答問題的方式,因此不同於1.的寫作方式跟思考邏輯,若選2的方式開頭,會建議使用比較明確的答案和邏輯的分析來支持你的主旨句。
e.g. As far as I am concerned, life insurance may not actually help young people since things might change over time. By the time they get to use it, maybe the money they get won’t be as valuable as it is now because of the inflation.
要特別注意,若用2的方式寫作,助動詞選擇盡量使用might, may, could這種語氣較不強烈、較公正客觀的方式寫作。
e.g. When I was in Europe, I met so many friends from all over the world. Therefore, I learned a lot of new cultures that really amazed me.
※常見問題 一個符合事實但不符合主旨的支持句。 各位在寫作中常常會發現我們對某件事情不會百分之百的支持或反對,亦即每件事都有它的優缺點,因此在寫作中常常會不經意地提出正反的意見以顯示中立,可是這樣的寫法在英文寫作中常常被視為「離題」,請記得「一個段落,一個論點」,若你有其他的論點可以在其他段提出(在整篇寫作中會提到如何寫counterargument)
雖然他寫的是事實,可是就跟主旨There are a lot of advantages that doing sports can bring us.不符合了,因此Doing sports can sometimes make us hungry but it is okay.這句話就不是一個支持句,反而變成反對句了!! 如果真的要提出這個觀點,要思考如何把這句變成是優點(符合主旨句): e.g. Doing sports makes us hungry which is a sign of consuming calories.
C. 結語句 一般來說結語句有兩種寫法,一為綜合上述論點在強調一次自己的立場與想法(適合1.2.),二為提出建議(適合2.3),但無論如何都一定要前後一致,並與主旨句呼應。
拿1.的例子做結論: Modern technology brings us not only an easy way to communicate but also an improvement of many aspects in our lives. (第一種寫法)
拿2.的例子做結論: Life insurance is a commonly discussed subject lately; however, the necessity for young generation is still open for discussion. (第一種寫法)
Overall, before buying the life insurance, we should carefully evaluate the benefits and necessity. (第二種寫法)
拿3.的例子做結論: Should you ever get a gap year, you should definitely experience travelling alone in Europe!
結論: 一個好的段落要有一個開門見山的主旨句,不離題的支持句以及呼應主旨的結語句,讓我們來看看學生寫作的example吧!
作者: Alley 郭 (基礎寫作課程第六週作品)