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如何有效規劃雅思寫作Task 2:高分大作文完整指南

作家相片: Joanna LinJoanna Lin


大作文寫作無非是許多學生的罩門,如果你考過雅思,寫作分數是在6.0分以下,這篇一定可以幫助到你!大家都知道第二部分寫作佔總分的67% ,意思就是如果你第二篇沒寫好,會大大影響到你的分數,但問題來了,要怎樣才算寫好呢?

我們可以從這篇看到我之前寫的寫作常見問題:雅思寫作:為什麼我的寫作拿不到7分? 並且從這篇知道該如何在大作文拿高分的評分標準:雅思寫作task 2大作文如何拿7分?


雅思task 2 寫作時其實有兩個要點 1. What to write 2. How to write it

我們要首先知道想法面:我要寫什麼? 然後在寫作中注意 『如何寫才會高分』亦即你應該用哪些單字、文法、句型、邏輯連貫,才能幫你拿取高分。

而平時在寫作時我們需要花時間『planning』,你可以想像你的plan 就是一個建築的藍圖,一個好的藍圖可以讓建築工人在後續明確知道該怎麼做,才可以專注於工作的細節,反之,如果你要邊蓋房子邊想怎麼蓋,你怎麼有辦法蓋出一個沒有問題的房子?寫作也是一樣,如果你要邊寫邊想要寫什麼以及要怎樣寫才會高分,這是非常難做到的,通常學生無非不是離題就是用的字句太簡單。






1.      Why planning technique

使用why作為發想點,適用於關於discuss both views, what’s your opinion, do you agree or disagree, positive or negative trends的題型。


Some people choose to eat no meat or fish. They believe that this is not only better for their own health but also benefits the world as a whole.

Discuss this view and give your own opinion.

這個題目是在問你 有些人覺得吃素對身體好,也對環境好。你要討論為何他們有這樣的論點,以及你的立場是什麼。

我們使用why 來去發想,並用這樣的架構main argument > why > explain > example > result > (result) > (result)

其中example 和result 可以調換位置,我們來解釋一下各項目

Main argument: 這段主要的論點是什麼?

Why: 為什麼論點可以這麼說

Explain: 更多的細節來去支持你的why

Example: 舉例支持你的why

Result: 從explain 或example可以導出的結果,並與main argument 相呼應

(result) :繼續往下帶,從前一個結果又會導致出什麼結果


Tips 如果今天沒辦法舉例,或是result 無法再往下帶,你可以做兩組的why > explain > result



•       main idea: vegetarianism is beneficial to the earth (主要論點:素食主義對地球好)

•       Why? There would be less carbon emissions because there is less demand for meat. (為何我這麼說?因為肉類需求減少就會減少碳排放)

>> Explain: without high demand for meat, demand for livestock reduces  (啥意思?為何肉類會減少?因為沒有那麼高的肉製品需求,就沒有這麼多的牲口)

>> result : less carbon emissions are released by  animals  (因此:被牲口排出的碳排放量會減少)

    >> example: study show: number of vegetarians in the US increased by 20% and   carbon emission drops by 8% (舉例論證:研究指出在美國素食主義人口上升20%,通一時期的碳排飯減少8%)

>> result 2: the number of factories for meat production can be reduced (從explain還可以導出的另一個結果,也跟此主題有關:製肉工廠的數量也會因為肉製品需求下降而下降)

     >> result : less carbon is released by factories  (因而導致製肉工廠的碳排放下降)

          >>  final result: the pace of global warming is slowed down (再導致整體的全球暖化速度下降)



Tip 1: 雅思寫作不用特殊論點,要能夠被支持的論點

Tip 2: example通常要具體,但不用是真的,像上面那個example就是我為了佐證我的講法而亂掰的,沒有人會去做fact check

Tip 3: 自己在計畫時重點是整個流程一步一步,而非文法或句子完不完整,今天寫完整一點是為了讓讀者們更明白我的邏輯思路,自己在計畫時只要自己看得懂就好,重點要放在他是一步一步延伸下去的。

Tip 4: 不要用中文計畫,因為你只有30分鐘寫作,不要把時間浪費在翻譯上。



1.      你的文章寫作符合英文邏輯:中文的文章跟英文的文章邏輯相反,英文會先講結論再講原因,中文則是相反,會先講背景原因在導出結論

2.     你在寫作中可以完全專注於使用厲害的字和句型

3.     你的寫作不會有邏輯奇怪或離題的狀況

4.     你可以在30分鐘內輕鬆寫完超過250字的文章


通常我們在plan只針對body(主要論數段),introduction 和conclusion 就不用plan 了。


Many hold the belief that vegetarianism is beneficial to the global environment. The major reason to which is that there would be less carbon emissions due to the reduced demand for meat. In other words, without high demand for meat, the demand for livestock reduces at the same time, leading to less carbon emissions produced by them. For example, a study conducted some time ago found that along with the 20% increase in the number of vegetarians in the US, carbon emissions there dropped by 8% in the same period of time. Furthermore, there would be fewer factories for meat production for the same reason, which greatly reduces the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere during the production process from these factories. As a result, the pace of global warming could be greatly slowed down.

(138 words)


2.     What planning technique

適用於:advantages, disadvantages, problems, effects, solutions

概念是一樣的,但通常我們要用兩組,因為題目都是問“advantageS” (複數)

main argument > what> explain > example > result > (result) > (result)

> what> explain > example > result > (result) > (result)


要注意的是,你的what 一定要跟你的main argument 相關,例如你的main argument 是出國讀書的好處,你的what就一定要是出國的『好處』


Main: advantages of studying abroad

What: the courses are more challenging because of language barriers and different study cultures

Explain: if you study abroad, you will have to use the local language or English. The way lectures are constructed are different than your local universities too.

Result: you can embrace more challenges and become better


Main: advantages of studying abroad

What: challenges faced when studying abroad are a good way to improve yourself

Explain: the courses are more challenging because of language barriers and different study cultures

 if you study abroad, you will have to use the local language or English. The way lectures are constructed are different than your local universities too.

Result: you will become better after overcoming these challenges


以下再給各位一個範例plan 和例文

•       main idea: advantages of having no children

•       What: more money to support a better quality of life

    > explain: raising children is costly especially in education, without children, couples 

               are able to save more money

example: in Taiwan, children’s education including talents and after school classes costs about NTD5000/mo > if couples have no children would be able to save NTD60000 / year = 4-5 month’s rent

       > result : more disposable income for entertainment or better houses

•       What: more flexibility in life

    > explain: couples with children normally need to put children’s needs ahead of theirs

    > result : without children, they could do everything freely



A number of advantages can be clearly seen in a family without children. The major advantage to which is that couples could have more money left to have a better quality of life. That is, without children’s education expenses, couples are able to save more money. For instance, a study conducted in Taiwan found that parents spend at least NT$ 5000 on their children’s talent class or after-school class per month on average. In other words, they would be able to save up to NT$ 60000 per year on kids’ education fee along, which equals to nearly five months’ rent. As a result, they could have more disposable income for entertainment or better lifestyles, such as buying a larger home. Furthermore, another major advantage is that childless married couples could have more flexibility in life. This is because couples with children typically have to prioritize their children's needs. Therefore, without children, they could live more freely and put emphasis on themselves.

(161 words)


希望本篇給你清楚的方向,如果覺得還是太抽象,歡迎報名我們關於雅思task 2的課程,讓你輕鬆上手



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