雅思寫作學術組的第一部分圖表寫作,是和托福寫作截然不同的考試方式,之前有跟各位提過,雅思寫作的第一部分是考同學的分析和整合能力(參考本篇),但就算再彙整合分析,寫不出來也拿不到分數,寫的部分又分結構和字彙兩個區塊,關於結構請參考這篇! 今天要教給各位的是針對長條圖和折線圖的實用字彙。
1. 表達上升
1.1 rise
當動詞用: The number of Chinese visitors has risen since 2005. (*一直在增加,所以使用現在完成式)
當名詞用: There is a rise on the number of Chinese visitors.
1.2 grow
當動詞用: The birth rate started to grow in 2010.
1.3 climb
當動詞用: The number climbed in January.
1.4 increase
當動詞用: The ratio has increased since 2010.
當名詞用: There was an increase on the number in 2001.
1.5 go up
當動詞用: The number of visitors has gone up since 2005.
1.6 rocket
當動詞用: The house prices in the States rocketed to the top of the 6 countries.
2. 表達下降
2.1 fall
當動詞用: The number of Chinese visitors has fallen since 2005.
當名詞用: There is a fall on the number of Chinese visitors.
2.2 drop
當動詞用: The average yearly income in Taiwan dropped from 5 million to 2 million in 2016.
當名詞用: There was a drop on the number of sales.
2.3 decline
當動詞用: The proportion of iPhone usage has declined.
當名詞用: There was a decline on the proportion of iPhone usage.
2.4 decrease
當動詞用: The ratio has decreased since 2010.
當名詞用: There was an decrease on the number in 2001.
2.5 go down
當動詞用: The number of visitors has gone down since 2005.
2.6 plunge暴跌
當名詞用: We are expecting a plunge in profits this year.
2.7 plummet 暴跌
當動詞用: House prices have plummeted in recent months.
3. 表達持平
3.1 stay/remain/maintain + steady/constant/stable
The proportion remained stable in 2005.
4. 描述程度的形容詞和副詞
例如: The number of visitors has rapidly dropped since 2005.
There was a significant decrease on the number of visitors.
4.1 急遽的 (表達短時間內極大的變化)
sharp / sharply
rapid / rapidly
steep / steeply (僅用於折線圖)
4.2 顯著的 (程度稍弱為急遽的)
significant / significantly
considerable / considerably
substantial / substantially
4.3 逐漸的
gradual / gradually
moderate / moderately
slight / slightly
slow / slowly (僅用於折線圖)

參考資料: Cambridge Dictionary