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作家相片Joanna Lin



想必各位考生們都有的概念就是:考雅思我要用厲害的單字!!!但是什麼叫做厲害的單字?How to boost ㄗmy vocabulary points? 這是各位考生常有的疑問,首先先給大家一個重要觀念,所謂的厲害的單字,必須要是topic-related vocabulary 亦即針對這個主題項目,你能否精確地使用與這個主題相關的字,譬如說,education的題目along with the globalization並無法幫你加分,distant learning, homeschooling這樣的單字就可以幫你加分。



wait?! 字在哪?

在本部落格以及Joanna English的 Youtube 頻道中我們都會分享以主題為單位的好用字,歡迎大家寫到筆記本上喔!另外附上例句讓大家了解如何正確使用,除此之外我們也鼓勵大家於平時閱讀的練習中找到好字時,盡可能的歸納到自己的筆記中,切記,考雅思有一本轟動武林驚動萬教的武林秘笈是很重要的!

youtube 影片可聽到精準發音唷,請記得訂閱我們唷!

1. fun and rewarding 有趣又有回報的

My current job is fun and rewarding. 我目前的工作有趣又很有回報

*加分: My current job as a _______ is very fun and rewarding.

2. Dull and boring 枯燥乏味的

My current job is very dull and boring. 我目前的工作很枯燥乏味。

3. The pay is good 薪水很好

I am satisfied with my job mainly because the pay is good. 我對於現在的工作很滿意的主要原因是薪水很好。

4. pays peanuts 金額很少

My company pays me peanuts for extra work. 我公司給我額外工作的酬金很少。

5. extra work 額外的工作


6. Benefits: health insurance健保, annual paid holidays年休, pension plan退休計畫

My company provides many benefits, such as annual paid holidays. They also cover my health insurance. Hence, they offer a very thorough pension plan.


7. A dead-end job沒前途的工作

I am stuck in this dead-end job. 我被困在這個沒前途的工作。

8. make ends meet 勉強維持生計

I have to work 10 hours a day to make ends meet. 我必須要每天工作十小時才能勉強維持生計。

9. word-of-mouth 口耳相傳

We get most of our clients through word-of-mouth recommendations. 我們大部分的客戶都是經由口耳相傳的推薦而來。

10. qualifications: certificate證照, bachelor’s degree學士學位, master’s degree碩士學位

Nowadays having certificates is always a plus. In Taiwan most people hold a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree. 現在有證照都很加分。在台灣大部分的人都有大學或碩士學歷。

11. important: crucial, essential, necessary, vital

To carefully consider before making any decision is very crucial. 在做決定之前仔細考慮是至關重要的。

12. face burnout 面臨職業倦怠

Most people face burnout easily if they don’t enjoy their jobs. 大部分的人如果不享受他們的工作,很容易就面臨職業倦怠。

13. a pain in the neck 令人感到痛苦

My supervisor is a real pain in the neck. 我的主管真的很令人感到痛苦。

14. think outside the box 跳脫思考框架

An essential ability of a marketing manager is to be able to think outside the box. 作為行銷經理很重要的一個能力是能夠跳脫思考的框架。

15. work experience 工作經驗

He is already 28 years old but he hardly has any work experience. 他已經二十八歲了但是他幾乎沒有任何的工作經驗。

*不是working 唷

參考資料: Cambridge Dictionary





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Kuanhua Ho
Kuanhua Ho
15 de mai. de 2022


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