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作家相片Joanna Lin

學術寫作/雅思/托福Task 2 必備的五種「解釋論點」的片語


在嘗試用英語寫作的朋友們常常會遇到的瓶頸莫過於: 字數不夠或是不知道該怎麼樣明確的表達自己的意思,這樣的狀況其實是很正常的,必竟英文並非我們的母語,除非大量的接觸英文,否則是很難建立"英文腦",那就是在寫作時是以英文來思考,而非使用我們的母語,為了解決上述提到的"字數不夠或是不知道該怎麼樣明確的表達自己的意思"這兩個問題,特別分享給大家以下五種方式,為你所說的論點多作解釋。

例如你想要表達的是: 父母不見得是最好的老師,因為有些父母其實會有不良的行為,例如抽菸、喝酒,而這樣的行為都會讓孩子透由模仿而學習。

Parents aren't necessarily the best teachers since they might have some bad behaviours, such as smoking and drinking, which might be learnt by children through imitation.

如果沒辦法直接用一句話表達意思,那要怎樣表達才能一樣有"學術感"呢??? (先試著寫寫看,答案在文章的最後。)

1. In order to 為了

E.g. “In order to understand why second language learners tend to be more anxious facing a native speaker, we need to first understand their fundamental sources of anxiety.”


2. In other words 換言之

E.g. “Frogs are amphibians. In other words, they live on the land and in the water.”


3. To put it another way 換言之

E.g. “Plants rely on photosynthesis. To put it another way, they will die without the sun.”


4. That is (to say) 也就是說

E.g. “Whales are mammals. That is to say, they must breathe air.”


5. To that end 因此

E.g. “Zoologists have long sought to understand how animals communicate with each other. To that end, a new study has been launched that looks at elephant sounds and their possible meanings.”


The answer for today’s quiz question:

Parents aren't necessarily the best teachers since they might have some bad behaviours, such as smoking and drinking. To put it another way,/ That is,/ That is to say, children might learn these bad behaviours through imitation.

Or To put it another way,/ That is,/ That is to say, these behaviours might be imitated by children.

參考資料: 網路/ Cambridge dictionary




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